Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 10 - Everybody Was King Fu Fighting!

YAHOOOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I never thought this day would come.

Finally! It's my last freakin' day on these crazy lemons.

I woke up feeling great. Lost another pound. Went to the gym for a boxing workout. Had moderate energy, certainly not as weak as yesterday's run, but not as high as usual. To be expected. I've really leaned out in my tummy and arms and legs. If anything, it's great motivation to stick with a healthy program of smart eating and continued exercising.

Today I wore my skinny jeans and I wasn't struggling to breathe. (Always a plus.) I didn't drop any clothing sizes or anything crazy like that, but everything just fits a little better on me now.

I experienced cravings again in the evening, and as a result, more crankiness. It's times like these I believe it's best to just go to sleep.

So after watching TV for a bit, I hit the sack.

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